Travis Winsor to serve on 2013-2016 AWCI Board of Directors

Posted April 5, 2013

TWinsor_1Raymond is pleased to announce that Chief Executive Officer, Travis Winsor, has been asked to serve on the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry (AWCI) Board of Directors.

AWCI provides services to contractors, suppliers, distributors and manufacturers in an effort to increase each member’s ability to run a successful business, bettering the wall and ceiling industry as a whole.

Travis will serve a three year term on the AWCI Board of Directors beginning in July of 2013, with the opportunity to share his experience in the industry, as well as his knowledge of current construction issues and trends as they relate to Raymond’s specific geographic reach.

The Raymond Group has been a member of the AWCI organization since 1986 and is a certified AWCI EIFSmart Contractor in each of its business locations.


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