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The Raymond Group has a passion for building, a strong appreciation for our employees and a commitment to helping others. Learn more about our previous projects, our constant pursuit of excellence and the team that helps to transform your vision into reality.
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March 28, 2023
Design Build Competition 2023
Promoting career awareness of the construction industry among high school students! Raymond sponsored Norte Vista High
March 15, 2023
Raymond Awarded 2023 AWCI Quality Awards
Raymond has received four Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry (AWCI) 2023 Excellence in Construction Quality
March 24, 2023
Employee Spotlight: Ashley Barredo
At Raymond, we have outstanding employees, so we decided to feature some of them on our blog. Our next Employee

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October 06, 2014
ENR: Subcontractors Enjoy Bounty of Work in California
The Raymond Group’s COO Jim Watson is featured in the October issue of ENR
June 04, 2014
Raymond Awarded 2014 WACA Award for Construction Excellence
Raymond has been awarded the Wall and Ceiling Alliance (WACA) 2014 Construction Excellence Award for Residential
Raymond-National Rebuilding Day
April 26, 2014
Raymond Participates in National Rebuilding Day
The Raymond Group’s Las Vegas region recently participated in National Rebuilding Day on April 26, 2014, partnering
CISCA Construction Excellence Awards
April 02, 2014
Raymond Awarded CISCA Construction Excellence Award
Raymond-Southern California, Inc. has been awarded the Ceilings & Interior Systems Construction Association (CISCA)
April 02, 2014
Raymond Receives AWCI 2014 Excellence in Construction Safety Award
Raymond-San Diego, Inc. has received the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s 2014 Excellence in
UCSD Jacobs Medical Center Rendering Courtesy of Cannon Design
March 27, 2014
Raymond Awarded Golden Gate Recognition
Raymond’s San Diego region has been awarded Golden Gate Partnership Recognition by the Cal/OSHA Consultation Service
January 21, 2014
Raymond Awarded WWCCA 2013 Project of the Year
The Raymond Group has been awarded the 2013 Project of the Year Award by the Western Wall and Ceiling Contractors

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