Employee Spotlight

Posted March 20, 2020

At Raymond, we have some outstanding employees, so we decided to feature them on our blog. We’d like to highlight Site Safety Specialist Roxanne Klatt. Roxanne shares how she has seen the industry evolve over the last 33 years and why she is looking forward to the years to come.

What did you do before construction? I was a part of the Art Department in the movie industry. I felt like I needed a change and ended up in construction. I never thought I would end up here, but I am so happy I did. I have a sense of fulfillment every day. I am constantly learning and working on myself (all while building amazing projects!).

How do you feel about the increase of women entering the industry? When I first started, I was one of a few women on a jobsite. It has been very exciting for me to watch the amount of women increase over the years (especially in field positions). It has been even more exciting to see the acceptance and support of these women grow. There is always work to be done though! This is what is so important about women outreach programs and national initiatives like Women in Construction Week.

How has the industry progressed for women? The level of inclusivity has grown tremendously for women. In the beginning of my career, it didn’t seem like information was easily shared and resources readily available to men were lacking for women. Today, companies are making a conscious and concerted effort to include women and provide equal opportunities. I’ve seen the change in the field, with male employees being more accepting and encouraging to women.

What are three words you would use to describe Raymond? Like a family.

Can you tell us about your career at Raymond? When I started at Raymond I was a welder. I was asked to join the safety department and I was excited at the challenge. There are a lot of differences in what I do now, primarily that I am no longer as hands on as I used to be. Working in safety is a constant learning experience and I enjoy finding creative ways to teach safety in the field in a way that it will “click” with employees.

What’s the best thing about your job? Coaching and making connections with employees. I enjoy meeting new people, building relationships, and solving daily challenges on the jobsite.  

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without? Coffee… good coffee!

Any advice for those entering the construction field? Make goals, don’t give up, and keep your eye on the prize. The construction industry has many paths; don’t be afraid to investigate them. Share information and empower others!


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