Employee Spotlight

Posted February 27, 2020

At Raymond, we have some outstanding employees, so we decided to feature them here on our blog. Our next employee spotlight features Rob Day, Senior Project Manager out of our San Diego region. Rob has been in the industry for 36 years, and his proudest moment is joining the Raymond team 7 years ago!

What brought you into construction? After selling a restaurant that I owned for five years in 1984 and renovating my first home, I fell in love with the prospect of working in the industry.

What have been the most significant changes that you have seen in the industry? The use of technology. I had to convince my first employer to purchase a fax machine.

What is the best thing about your job? Watching the people around me progress and succeed.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Managing and changing unrealistic expectations into achievable goals.

What is the best advice you have been given? Stay calm at all costs.

What advice do you have for prospects of the industry? Stay calm at all costs.

What has been your favorite project with Raymond and why? The Legacy International Center. The project replaced the Mission Valley Resort Hotel, which had been a landmark site in San Diego for 67 years. The new facility, that features a 127-room hotel & spa, an interactive museum, restaurants, and a 4D theater, signifies San Diego’s commitment to progressing into the 21st century.

Visiting the pre-site of Legacy International Center!

What does a typical day look like for you? Alarm going off at 4:15 every morning, followed by anything except typical.

What is your idea of a perfect day? Sleeping in until 7:00AM and spending the day with my wife Wendye… doing whatever we want, whenever we want!

What is one thing you could not live without? My wife, Wendye.

Favorite thing to do? Tending to our plants, walking the beach, hiking and biking.

Best present ever received? A one-way ticket to San Diego on July 1st for a July 2nd flight.

Most spontaneous thing that you have done? Accepted the best present I ever received and actually got on the plane.

Before working at Raymond, did you have any other interesting jobs?  

  • I was a commercial fisherman… dragging for haddock, cod and halibut, seining for herring and menhaden, and harpooning large blue fin tuna.
  • I worked at The Cape Pond Ice Company in Gloucester, Mass., using an ice hook to push and pull 350-pound ice cubes into crushers. The company froze 300 tons of ice per day while selling another 300 tons per day and can be seen in the movie “The Perfect Storm.”
  •  I owned my own restaurant in Georgetown, Massachusetts. After 41 years, the restaurant is now owned by a high school buddy of mine and is thriving. 

What are some things you have done that everyone should try at least once? Harpooning a 1200lb Bluefin tuna, “jeeping” in Death Valley, and biking in Acadia National Park.

Wife, Wendye, “Jeeping”

What shows are you currently binging? Power and The Crown.

What musician do you never get tired of? Eric Clapton

What meal could you eat every day? Perfectly cooked rib eye steak.

How do you balance your career and your family? Carefully.

What is something people are often surprised to learn about you? I’ve raised five children, have two grandchildren (with a third on the way), and moved to San Diego with one bag full of clothes on July 2, 2011 (Wendye does say, “It was a really nice bag…”).

Is there anything else you would like to tell us? Raymond is a special company that continues to attract quality team members.


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