Employee Spotlight

Posted February 24, 2022

At Raymond, we have outstanding employees, so we decided to feature some of them on our blog. Our next Employee Spotlight features Jose (Pepe) Espinoza, Project Superintendent in Southern California. Pepe was brought into construction by his father (Laborer out of Local 652), and has been in the industry, and with Raymond, for 24 years now. He’s worked on notable projects like Wilshire Grand and SoFi Stadium along the way, and is currently finishing up work at Grand Ave. Parcel Q in Downtown Los Angeles. We sat down with Pepe to learn more about him and his time at Raymond.

What do you think is the most important change happening in the construction industry today?  SAFETY – We need to continue to work smart and be productive, while making safety the #1 priority.

Which Raymond project are you working on now? Grand Ave. Parcel Q in Downtown Los Angeles with Related/AECOM. The project is just about complete and Raymond performed exterior metal framing, sheathing, waterproofing, lath, and plaster, as well as an amenity deck installation.

Have there been any challenges on the project? Grand Ave. is a large mixed-use development with a 28-story hotel (the Conrad), and 45-story residential tower, and 176,000 square feet of retail and dining space. In addition to a tight schedule, the project is located in a very busy area of DTLA, which made site logistics a challenge. A lot of coordination with fellow subcontractors and the general contractor was vital from conception through completion. Having the right team and proper management moved the project in a positive way, allowing us to hit our goals and schedule.

How would you describe your career progression at Raymond? EXCELLENT! I started as a plaster tender for two and a half years and then transitioned to the Carpenters Union as a first stage apprentice. I have worked with great individuals throughout my career that have given me the knowledge I have today, from the field side of great mechanics and running work to the office with take-offs and budgets. Learning as much as I can from others and working hard has put me where I am today.

What’s the best thing about your job? Being a leader to my great, hardworking crews and representing Raymond daily on the jobsite.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Working with, and meeting, demanding project schedules. When general contractors and subcontractors work together on tough schedules, proper adjustments can be made, and the schedule becomes an actual tool for the project.

What do you like doing when you’re not at work? I love watching my two boys play sports. (I have a high school freshman and 8-year-old.) I am their #1 fan! I enjoy riding 29-Inch bikes with a group of friends and, of course, spending a lot of social time with my family and friends going out to places such as parks, beaches, restaurants, and sporting events. Lastly, can’t forget walking our family dog.


What inspires you? My family, my home, and this great company… Raymond. Raymond, and a lot of the people that work within the company, have become family. I have created some very strong relationships from the people in the field to the office!

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without? A job – My job means everything to me and my family. Without it, I would not have what I have. I am so proud and happy to truly enjoy what I do for work. It makes me work hard to always find ways to better myself and those around me.

How do you balance your career and your family?  I do my best to schedule everything with my family, and with work. Same as when I’m on the job working with schedules and manpower.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us? I thank God for continuing to bless me and keeping me safe at work and at home. I will continue to look forward to seeing what the future holds for me in the construction industry. There are so many great opportunities in the construction industry that I know I will continue to move my career in positive ways.


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