Employee Spotlight

Posted May 27, 2020

At Raymond, we have some outstanding employees, so we decided to feature them here on our blog. Meet Cherelle Sprewell, Project Manager out of our Northern California region. Cherelle began her career with Raymond in 2015 and continues to learn and grow with us every day!

What brought you into the construction industry? Curiosity.


And what do you like most about working in construction now? I am always learning.


Three words to describe Raymond: Integrity, Work/Life Harmony, Family Oriented.

What is your proudest moment at Raymond? Being promoted to Project Manager.

What is the best thing about your job? It allows me to be creative on how we tackle everyday obstacles. On a personal level, it teaches me a lot of discipline and time management.


What has been your favorite project with Raymond, and why? 875 California Street – It has challenged me in every way. I will be able to walk away from this project with a lot of experience.


What are some things that you have done that everyone should try at least once? Learn about other cultures and different walks of life – travel, eat food, and meet the people.

What is the best place you have traveled to and why? Hawaii. I love the scenery and the relaxed vibe. Wait, I changed my mind: Puerto Rico!


I loved the overall culture I experienced when I was in Puerto Rico. Although it was a short vacation, I was able to spend a day hiking through El Yunque Rain Forest and see historical structures, waterfalls, and hear the coqui frogs. On another day, we drove through a neighborhood off the coast, called Piñones, and enjoyed some local dishes. I plan to go back and get a chance to experience more of the nightlife.


What countries do you want to visit but haven’t yet had the chance? So many! France, Thailand, Japan, Ireland, South Africa, Spain, Italy… but France would be my top pick.

Why France? I studied French throughout high school, and I have wanted to go ever since. I love the entire culture with its deep history of art, romance, cuisine, fashion, and religion. I know the food will be amazing (cheese, wine, and bread – yes, please!). Once I do make it to France, the place I am most excited to visit is the Champs-Elysees.

What is something people are often surprised to learn about you? I have been snowboarding for over thirteen years. I usually go with a group of friends from college, but I am always looking for more friends who would be interested!

Can you do any tricks? I once fell down the mountain so fast that I did a complete flip and landed back on my board. Does that count?

What show/book are you currently binging? The Martian.

What inspires you? My family.

What is one thing you could not live without? Music.

What meal could you eat every day? Pasta.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?

The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.


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